The CUC-MBA: A Stepping Stone to Success

The CUC-MBA: A Stepping Stone to Success

Yearning to advance her knowledge and career, Archana Gowda enrolled in Concordia University Chicago’s (CUC) MBA programme at LSBF in Singapore. Her interaction with her lecturers and classmates in LSBF had left an indelible impression on her. She shares a few words about her CUC-MBA experience. 

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

Archana: I wanted to achieve something in my life. At my previous workplace, I also met many people with postgraduate qualifications. I was further inspired to pursue a Master’s degree to advance my career. With this in mind, I looked towards Singapore because the country is well-known for its quality education.

What do you enjoy most about studying in LSBF?

Archana: The teaching faculty is excellent in their delivery and everyone here is friendly. The atmosphere here feels very homely. I don’t even mind coming to school early to spend more time with my peers!

What are your plans after graduation?

Archana: I am planning to teach in a college and pursue a PhD in Research thereafter.

Why would you recommend this programme to others?

Archana: I would recommend LSBF’s CUC-MBA as it’s a fast-track programme that can be completed within a year. It can also help in your career advancement, as you will get to study essential concepts in marketing, accounts, finance, and human resources.



Suggested Programmes

MBA in International Business

Throughout the programme, you will develop your understanding of global strategy, international marketing, sustainability and international entrepreneurship.

MA in International Business

This MA programme will help you understand about international business strategy whilst developing your leadership, problem-solving and collaboration skills.

Postgraduate Diploma in Business

Focus on economics, business and business statistics in the postgraduate diploma to excel in your career or even progress onto an MBA programme.

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