Postgraduate programmes in Technology

LSBF is proud to partner with the University of East London (UEL) to bring popular and new age master’s in technology to students in Singapore. UEL is a standard public UK university and is recognised as such by the UK government. The University is accredited by an act of parliament: Further and Higher Education Act 1992. According to the recently published QS rankings for 2021, UEL ranks 68th amongst UK institutions. 

MSc Computer Science

The Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Science aims to develop knowledge and research skills in artificial intelligence, computer vision, and data analytics.

MSc Information Security and Digital Forensics

The Master of Science (MSc) in Information Security and Digital Forensics will enable you to develop expertise in security of information systems and examination of digital evidence from digital devices.

Postgraduate Diploma in Cybersecurity

The Postgraduate Diploma in Cybersecurity (PGDCY) has been developed by the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) in Singapore as a qualification for students aiming to embark on a career in one of a wide range of industries, and/or for students aiming for a Higher Education qualification in a subject allied to Infocomm Technology specialization in Cybersecurity.

MSc Engineering Management

This programme is ideal for learners aiming to transition into senior technical roles that require strategic decision-making and management skills. Master problem-solving in engineering and project management to become an indispensable asset to your organisation.

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+65 6580 7700

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