4 Effective study tips for your online learning

4 Effective study tips for your online learning

The pandemic has resulted in a dramatic shift from conventional classroom teaching to online learning globally, including in the country of Singapore. As per Statista.com data, August 2020 saw students in Singapore consuming at least 1-2 hours of online learning content per week.

Online learning is already a big part of Singapore’s education sector. The Insight Partners research reveals that the country’s e-learning market was valued at $792.97 million in 2019. The figure is expected to reach a whopping $2,228.74 million by 2027.

Online learning provides a myriad of advantages that aren’t possible in a traditional setup, primarily—flexibility and accessibility. However, you might face some initial hiccups, especially if you are new to the format.

Whether you have shifted to digital learning for the first time or want to improve your productivity online, there are plenty of ways to maximise the benefits of this format.

Read ahead to get some effective study tips and strategies to help you make the most out of your online learning sessions.

1. Taking care of yourself

Self-care is one of the most important requirements for online learning. A healthy mind and body can help you learn more productively online.

So, what should you do to prepare your body and mind for online learning?

Start by getting at least 8 hours of sleep every day. This gives your brain the rest it needs to perform well. Also, remember to take scheduled breaks in-between classes to get some fresh air and exercise. If you are attending live online classes, request a little flexibility and breaks in-between classes.

You should also remember to hydrate yourself regularly and maintain a healthy diet for added benefits.

2. Managing your time

Flexibility in your study schedule is one of the most significant benefits of the online learning format. However, too much flexibility can cause your studies to lose focus, particularly if you don’t manage your time efficiently.

You must find different ways to structure your timetable to account for periods where either you learn best or don’t feel so productive. Online learning can sometimes take more time than classroom learning. Hence, remember to account for some extra time for bathroom breaks or unexpected disturbances.

3. Making your own learning strategies

The way you learn is unique to you and depends on your capability to retain and process new knowledge. Hence, you should come up with learning strategies and study plans that work for you.

There are several ready-made study plans and online study tips available on the internet that you can customise as per your requirements. You can also try summarising your recorded lectures and revisiting them regularly.

If you study well in a group, you can join regular group discussions with your course classmates. This can help you get different perspectives on the material that you’re studying. You can also get excellent advice on how to efficiently study online.

In search of good online programmes that let you connect with people across the world? The online courses from the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) in Singapore can help you network from the comfort of your home.

LSBF in Singapore offers two online study options - distance learning and live online. Distance learning allows you to study independently and gives you the flexibility to set your own schedule and pace.

Live online classes at LSBF in Singapore combine a classroom teaching structure with the accessibility of online courses. You will have access to experienced tutors who will teach you in real-time and clarify your doubts then and there. The lectures will also be recorded so that you can review them at your leisure.

Both online formats offer a wide range of industry-oriented programmes that can enhance your employability. Check out the whole range of online courses available at LSBF in Singapore.

4. Nailing the smaller details

Apart from the schedule and study tactics, many other small details need to be nailed down so that you can make the most of your course. For example, you might have to download apps and tools on your computer beforehand if your class needs particular video conferencing software.

Similarly, putting your online assignments on auto-save mode can help you save all your important files even if the computer shuts down abruptly.

Following these online learning tips can help you make your online learning experience a pleasurable one. Start looking for exciting online programmes in your area of interest today to get started on your e-learning journey.

Suggested Programmes

MBA in International Business

Throughout the programme, you will develop your understanding of global strategy, international marketing, sustainability and international entrepreneurship.

MA in International Business

This MA programme will help you understand about international business strategy whilst developing your leadership, problem-solving and collaboration skills.

Postgraduate Diploma in Business

Focus on economics, business and business statistics in the postgraduate diploma to excel in your career or even progress onto an MBA programme.

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